Gate Peepin' and Misspelling Generator

Linda Hilfling, with her project Gate Peepin' and the Misspelling Generator, will be among the speakers of Speaking out Loud symposium of Netherlands Media Art Institute, to be held on December 18, 2008.

Linda works with the premises of participation and public spaces within media structures, with a focus on means of control (codes, organization and law) and their cultural impact. Her artistic practice takes the form of interventions reflecting upon or revealing hidden gaps in these structures.

Initially designed and coded in python and bash by her and also available as a Firefox extension thanks to Erik Borra, the Misspelling Generator intervenes directly within the Google search engine, allowing users to take advantage of the informational gray-zone of misspellings. And it does exactly what it claims:

Each query typed into the normal Google search-box will generate misspellings inserted above the normal Google results – similar to Google’s 'Did you mean', but now with 'Have you tried' instead. When hovering the mouse over the links, you can see the number of search results for each misspelling. Clicking the link will redirect you to the Google page with the results for that specific misspelling. It is a useful tool for creating simple cryptography, circumventing specific cases of censorship, or in general as a means of accessing the 'gray' side of the Internet, which otherwise is isolated by the rigid structures of 'corrective' info-culture regimes on search engines like Google.

Intrigued? Then, a new adventure awaits you, casual user and search engine optimizer alike. Take a look at the 'uncorrected' side and hidden layers of the Internet.


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